Thursday, October 10, 2013

WHY DO WE SHOUT WHEN ANGRY? (Thought I would share, these are not my words)

Read this and loved it. This is Def Not My Words!

WHY DO WE SHOUT WHEN ANGRY ???? A Hindu saint who was visiting river Ganges to take bath found a group of family members on the banks, shouting in anger at each other. He turned to his disciples smiled 'n asked. 'Why do people shout in anger shout at each other?' 

Disciples thought for a while, one of them said, 'Because we lose our calm, we shout.' 'But, why should you shout when the other person is just next to you? You can as well tell him what you have to say in a soft manner.' asked the saint Disciples gave some other answers but none satisfied the other disciples. 

Finally the saint explained, . 'When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other to cover that great distance. 

What happens when two people fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly, Because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is either nonexistent or very small...' The saint continued, 'When they love each other even more, what happens? They do not speak, only whisper 'n they get even closer to each other in their love. 

Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other 'n that's all. That is how close two people are when they love each other.' He looked at his disciples and said. 'So when you argue do not let your hearts get distant, Do not say words that distance each other more, Or else there will come a day when the distance is so great that you will not find the path to return.'

Friday, October 4, 2013

Medic School.

Medic School. So I feel I have been stuck in a job rut for too long. Yes the Nurse tech thing was a very good starting point. Got my CNA in 2006 and my Patient Care Tech in 2007. I have been working as a PCT for 6 years now and while I like my co workers, I am over my job. It is now a task to go to work, not just part of my day. I want to start moving to my goal (which is to be a flight medic and work out of helicopter, and yes I know it is hard to get into, but hey I gotta have goals, right?) I got my EMT in Jan 2013 and have been working to get into the field so I can start medic school. But sadly I have applied three times to the only ambulance company in Tucson and all three times they say no. Ugh! Even volunteer work would be amazing through an Emergency Room, Search and rescue, Fire Dept, anything!!! But I don’t know where to start :/ I know this is something I want to do. I have worked with the paramedics in the Emergency Room and I like what they do. I know that I could do that if I got burnt out in the field or if I didn't like the flight part of medic. And every EMT/Paramedic/Teacher I have talked to have told me to get some box experience (working out of an ambulance) for at least 6 months to a year before applying. So again, what do I do or where do I even start? Blah!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Bikram Yoga

Bikram Yoga. Good concept. I think I was sweating before we started moving haha. So basically it is 90 minutes of active yoga (the kind to get your heart pumping) in a 90 degree or so room. I wore shorts, with boy shorts underneath, and a tank top. Next time I think I might get some spandex shorts and go with those and a tank top. Yeah I never thought I would wear spandex without them being under anything :p

The crowd was only half of what I expected; I kinda figured those who have been practicing yoga for a while and those younger than me. While there was a wide range of people ages. From 18 to probably 70 or so. Which is kinda cool ^^

I figured this would be a good way to sweat and get in shape without running, I get bored easily and so I think that is why the gym never really worked out for me. But in a class you Have people to interact with and a instructor who is interactive and loves what they do. They push you to do your best and that seems to be pretty helpful.

While I have only gone once, I plan to go again tomorrow. So wish me luck and I will let you know how it goes. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Crafty Women

Okay so I have taken it upon myself to find a new hobby, but It is at a standstill. I am making homemade spa products. Why not, right? Also came up with some bird houses and small wooden boxes. Trying to figure out how to get this off the ground for the holidays. I have gift baskets and products to make but need the right crowd first I suppose. So far I have come up with: 1. Lemon Hand Scrub 2. Coconut Oil Salt Scrub 3. Brown Sugar Oatmeal Body Scrub 4. Soothing Lavender Foot Scrub 5. Homemade Hand Scrub 6. Peppermint Candy Cane sugar Scrub 7. Sugar Cookie Foot Scrub 8. Sea Salt Foot Scrub 9. Crystal Light Lip Gloss 10. Gardner’s Hand Scrub 11. Sweet Tea w Lemon hand Scrub 12. Caramel Sauce 13. Chocolate Chip Cookies in a jar 14. Oatmeal Cookies in a Jar 15. Lip Scrub/Treatment 16. Vanilla coconut brown sugar scrub 17. Pumpkin Body Scrub 18. Small Painted Bird Houses 19. Small Painted Wooden Boxes 20. Painted Flower Jars w Flower Seeds It seems like a good start product wise, Right? All homemade, all natural, even in reusable jars. $3 each product or 2 for $5 or a gift basket set up for $20 for 5 items with extras. This is something I have wanted to do for a while and I think I am ready to start on it, if I can find a place to sell :p Seems Perfect for the holidays, quick easy gifts for Neighbors, Friends, family, teachers, really whoever. At least that's the idea.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

My thoughts on the term for "The One That Got Away"

Not the best first post for a new blog but it is what is on my mind… The one who got away, what a crappy term. I have such a big problem with this statement. I mean if they were “the one” why would they “get away”? Sure I believe in true love and all but how fair is to think no one will be as good as your first, or as the one you let leave. It feel apart for a reason, whether it was mutual or one sided (yes one sided will hurt one party more than the other but it is a commitment if one isn't in it 100% then the other who put it all in will of course feel worse off but really they aren't because why be with someone who feels you aren't the one or they are stuck on the one who got away in the past.) any way… How fair would it be for me to think “oh my first kiss back when I was 14 was the one. I can’t get hooked in my past and neglect my present. How can you truly be in a relationship when you are hung up on your ex? If you truly want to be a good partner you need to let your past go. Yes learn, live, remember ect… but you can’t think “I will never have love like that again” How fair is that to you partner in life? I know I wouldn't want to be with someone who thinks they already had the best they ever will. Frankly that would suck. A partnership is about equality. If you gave your heart/feelings to someone wouldn't you want something in return? Would you hope for the same feelings or would you want less than you gave?